Monday, December 22, 2008

Round 2 of 5 am!

It's day two of waking up at 5 am to go to the gym. I realized this morning that there's a spinning class at 5 am on Mondays and probably Wednesdays. I might try to make that class at some point but that would mean me getting up at 4:30 to make it.

The semester ended on Friday and grades still haven't posted. Every time I log onto the website I start getting major anxiety and then the grades aren't even there. It's driving me crazy! I'm sure I did well in most of my classes. I probably barely passed biology, but as long as I passed I'll be happy.

Brooklyn is doing a little better with sleeping. She usually wakes up at about 6 am and wants to get up, but I'm still just letting her cry until 8:00. She really shouldn't need to get up before then anyways.

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